Thursday, August 28, 2008

Insane graf....

Sure, you get some pretty crazy graffiti, mad colours, wild style stuff and people doing nutso designs and images with stencils (esp here in Melbourne)... BUT, this graf artist (or artists) have taken tagging to a whole new level, pardon the pun. This soon to be demolished building I came across probably about 2006(?) when I was in a part of the city I don't normally frequent.... I happened to be atop another building for some reason and I saw this mad piece of graffiti work which blew me away with its sheer audacity and tenacity, 12 floors of totally tagged windows, 216 windows all up, and they would have had to do their tags backwards to make it legible. I didn't hear anything about this or see it reported in any media, it just seemed to quietly happen then they knocked the building over shortly after I imagine. I'm impressed.....


briony said...

i was staying in a hotel just up the road from this 'werk'...........a bombing run by RENK and CARL.......its documented in a book called 'street art uncut' by mathew lunn

rich g said...

hey cheers Briony, I'll check it out... i knew it would have to have been documenthed somewhere.